Attitude and performance: A universal co-relation, example from a chemistry classroom*
Chemistry teaching-learning outcomes, students’ attitude, perception and performanceAbstract
Twenty-first century chemistry education researchers reported challenges in chemistry education pertaining to high school chemistry teaching-learning outcomes. Even though all studies intended to improve chemistry teaching-learning outcomes, unfortunately the impact of chemistry education research found not to be much encouraging. A few of these studies were compared to identify a possible missing link which is to be addressed under present context of chemistry education research (CER). The issue of students’ attitude, perception and a link of performance in chemistry with attitude and perception drew the attention and found to be missing in the present CER studies. The need to address the issue within the context of existing school environment was felt. This communication is prepared based on an analysis of students’ performance of eleventh grade students from a rural school of South Africa in a chemistry endof- year test.
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