Exploration of science concepts in Indonesian indigenous culture: actualization of the Indonesian curriculum
Ojhung, science concepts, merdeke curriculumAbstract
Ojhung is one of the indigenous Indonesian cultures from Sumenep Regency which contains relevant science concepts to be applied in science learning. Therefore, this research aimed to identify and explore the concepts of science contained in the Ojhung tradition while evaluating their relevance to the Merdeka or national curriculum. This research uses a qualitative design with a grounded theory based on scientific concepts in the Ojhung tradition and can be applied in science learning. The concepts of science that have been successfully explored and identified are Newton's Third Law, Sound Waves, Sense of Hearing, Pressure, Flexibility, Body Muscles, Moments of Inertia, and Skin Wounds. All concepts that have been explored can actualise learning outcomes in the Merdeka Curriculum. This research implies applying science concepts to Ojhung to improve public scientific literacy and science learning in schools.
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