The effect of changes in teaching methods on pupils’ academic performance in biology
Active learning, learning communities, professional learning, recorded lesson analysis, reflectionAbstract
Biology teachers received professional development to effect instructional changes that ensure student cognitive engagement and knowledge acquisition at higher cognitive levels. We asked the following questions: 1) What are the initial needs of teachers to promote active learner engagement and knowledge acquisition at higher cognitive levels? 2) What changes in teaching practice does each form of support trigger? 3) Do supportive and reflection-based professional development succeed in improving pupil academic achievement? Teachers received support in the form of interactive lectures and ready-made examples in the form of a written lesson plan to develop teaching practices that promote cognitive engagement and knowledge acquisition at higher cognitive levels. Throughout the professional development programme, they reflected on the success of their teaching practices derived from the lectures and implemented according to the prepared plans based on feedback. The analysis of video recordings of lessons enabled the collection of feedback, while learning communities facilitated critical discussions. Changes in teaching were monitored and identified through (self-)evaluation of recorded lessons using the Teaching Observation Form (TOF). The impact of the training on students’ academic performance was determined using knowledge tests administered before and after the teacher training. Although teachers made positive changes in their teaching, these did not lead to an improvement in students’ academic performance.
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