Effects of computer assisted learning on students achievements in Turkey : A meta-analysis


  • Serkan Dinçer Cukurova University




Assessment of CAL, Computer-Assisted Learning, Meta-Analysis


This study investigates the effect of computer-assisted instruction (CAI) on student academic success by evaluating the results of the studies conducted in the last 10 years using the meta-analysis method. For this purpose, answers are sought for three questions: How did CAL affect the academic success of students compared to the traditional method in studies conducted in Turkey? Which CAL methods have been used to increase academic achievement? What are the similarities and differences between studies examining the effects of CAL in Turkey and other countries? To answer these three research questions, related articles were searched in ERIC (2013), Google Scholar (2013) and Ulakbim (2013) databases. Hedges and Olkin's (1985) and Thalheimer and Cook's (2002) coefficient of influence calculation formulas were used in the analysis of the study. As a result of the necessary analyzes, it was found that CAL was quite successful compared to the traditional method in studies conducted in Turkey; In addition, it has been concluded that the calculated effect coefficients are quite high compared to other countries.


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— Updated on 15.03.2015


How to Cite

Dinçer, S. (2015). Effects of computer assisted learning on students achievements in Turkey : A meta-analysis. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 12(1), 99-118. https://doi.org/10.12973/tused.10136a (Original work published 2015)

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