The Opinions of science and technology teachers regarding the usage of out-of-school learning environments in science teaching


  • Melike Yavuz Topaloğlu Sakarya University, Institute of Educational Science, Sakarya-TURKEY
  • Fatime Balkan Kıyıcı Sakarya University, Faculty of Education, Sakarya-TURKEY



Informal Learning Environments, Out-of-School Learning, Science Teaching, Teacher’s Opinion


The goals of this study are to explore and document the science and technology teachers’ opinions regarding (a) the out-of-school learning environments, (b) the contribution of these environments make to science teaching, (c) the aims of their usage in science teaching, and (d) why they are not being used in science teaching. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to elicit teachers’ opinions about the current situation of out-of-school learning environments in science teaching. Study data were collected from 36 science and technology teachers in the Gölcük district of Kocaeli province in 2011-2012 academic year. Interview analyses revealed that teachers were cognizant about the role of out-of-school learning
environments in the teaching and learning processes. Participants associated out-of-school learning environments with numerous examples. The teachers stated that out-of-school learning environments have a positive effect on students’ cognitive and affective development. They pointed out that due to various problems that arose while carrying out these activities, they could not use these environments at the desired level. The teachers recommended solutions to these problems and stated that out-of-school learning environments could be used more often in the field of education to resolve these problems.


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15.09.2015 — Updated on 15.09.2015


How to Cite

Yavuz Topaloğlu, M. ., & Balkan Kıyıcı, F. . (2015). The Opinions of science and technology teachers regarding the usage of out-of-school learning environments in science teaching. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 12(3), 31-50.

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