The Determinants of leisure attitudes: Mediating effect of self-efficacy among students from science, engineering and medicine colleges


  • Malek Jdaıtawı
  • Abeer Rasheed
  • Mohamed Goharı
  • Yasser Raddy
  • Mehmet Aydın
  • Ahmed Abas
  • Abdelmonim Hasan
  • Ahmad Khatıry



University students, mediating effect, leisure attitude, learning, self-effciacy


This resent study investigated the relationships between leisure attitude, self-efficacy and achievement motivation among first year university students. Furthermore, this study examined the mediating role of self-efficacy on the relationship between leisure attitude and achievement motivation among university students. A total of 190 students were selected from Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University using cluster sampling method. The questionnaires consisted of the revised version of the self-efficacy scale, leisure attitude measure and achievement motivation measure. The results revealed that there were significant positive relationships between the study variables. additionally, the result also showed that self-efficacy partially mediated the achievement motivation-leisure attitude relation. The implication is that students’ abilities should be improved by promoting leisure activities which may motivate them to participate in the learning activities. 


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How to Cite

Jdaıtawı, M. ., Rasheed, A. ., Goharı, M. ., Raddy, Y. ., Aydın, M. ., Abas, A. ., Hasan, A. ., & Khatıry, A. . (2020). The Determinants of leisure attitudes: Mediating effect of self-efficacy among students from science, engineering and medicine colleges. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 17(2), 242-252.

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