Determination of the contribution of station technique in ınformal learning environments (STiIL) to the cognitive, affective and life skills of the students

Research Article


  • Nevzat Yiğit
  • Ebru Sivrikaya
  • Ebru Mazlum Güven Trabzon University



Informal learning in biology teaching, station technique, life skills, cognitive learning, affective learning


The informal learning environment and the station technique provide students learning environments where they can be active and materialize the abstract terms. With this regard, the purpose of the study is to determine the contribution of activities, which are carried out through the station technique in informal learning environments (STiIL), to the cognitive, affective, and life skills of 11th-grade high school students. The participants of the study are 26 eleventh grade students. “Support and Movement System” topic within the scope of the study, is addressed through the station technique in the 2018-2019 educational year. The data-gathering tools for the study are focus group interviews, semi-structured questionnaires, researcher journals, and group interviews. Deductive and inductive analyses were performed together on the qualitative data. Results showed that teaching with ST makes the lesson more understandable and enhances reinforcement of concepts, increases the attention and eagerness to learn.


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How to Cite

Yiğit, N., Sivrikaya, E. ., & Mazlum Güven, E. . (2021). Determination of the contribution of station technique in ınformal learning environments (STiIL) to the cognitive, affective and life skills of the students: Research Article. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 18(3), 371-388.

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