Teachers' opinions about distance web 2.0 tools training and teachers' ın-class web 2.0 practices


  • Emine Şahin-Topalcengiz
  • Bekir Yıldırım




Distance learning, web 2.0 tools, teachers, professional development


This qualitative research aims to determine teachers' opinions about in-class web 2.0 practices after  distance professional development involvement. Twelve teachers from different public schools were  selected purposefully as a sample group. The Web 2.0 and Distance Training Interview Form (WDTIF)  was used after implementing web 2.0 tools in the classrooms to collect data. All interviews were audio taped and transcribed. Then the data were analyzed by content analysis. The data analysis revealed that  participating teachers recognized the different features of web 2.0 tools. Furthermore, it was found that  teachers used web 2.0 tools for assessment, to create opportunities for collaboration, and to improve  students' learning experience and engagement. Teachers also mentioned that distance education allowed  them to participate in a professional learning community besides offering training opportunities.  Distance education was also an affordable option for teachers who needs to travel to a distant location.  During the interviews, the disadvantages of distance education were pointed out as well. These  disadvantages were internet connection problems, lack of motivation and confidence, and face-to-face  interaction. Further investigations were carried out to understand other related impacts of using web 2.0  tools in the classroom and distance teacher learning that arose during the study. 


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How to Cite

Şahin-Topalcengiz, E. ., & Yıldırım, B. . (2020). Teachers’ opinions about distance web 2.0 tools training and teachers’ ın-class web 2.0 practices. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 17(4), 561-577. https://doi.org/10.36681/tused.2020.45

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