Investigating the effects of argument-driven ınquiry method in science course on secondary school students’ levels of conceptual understanding
Argument-driven inquiry, Conceptual Understanding, Science EducationAbstract
This study aimed to determine the effects of the argument-driven inquiry learning method on students’ conceptual learning in science education. The study is conducted with embedded mixed-methods research design from mixed research methods. The study was conducted with 64 7th-grade students consisting of 31 students in the experimental group and 33 students in the control group from a public school in the Aegean Region in Turkey. The unit “electrical energy” was taught using the argumentdriven inquiry learning method in the experiment group, and the 2013 science curriculum and activities in the control group. The quantitative data collection tool used in this research was the “Conceptual Learning Test” while the qualitative data collection tools used were daily student reflections, research observation notes. To determine students’ conceptual learning, of non-parametric tests, the Wilcoxon Z test was used for withingroup comparisons and the Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare groups. For qualitative data analysis, descriptive analysis and content analysis were used based on the situation. According to the analysis of data, a significant difference in favor of the experiment group was observed in students’ conceptual learning. The reason for the positive change in experiment group students’ conceptual understanding was that the method presents an opportunity for students to explore information (the conceptual relationships by exploring the effects of the variables within the cases), discuss information within the group and out-group peers, and structurize. In conclusion, the current study might contribute to using the argument-driven inquiry learning method in a science course to literature and shed light on new studies.
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