Transformation of education for sustainable development through low carbon schools community program


  • Hanifah Mahat
  • Mohmadisa Hashım
  • Yazid Saleh
  • Nasir Nayan
  • Saiyidatina Balkhis Norkhaıdı



In line with the aforementioned functions and role of schools, Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is seen as a starting point in the formation of a low-carbon society among children and teenager. Therefore, this article aims to discuss the approach of the Education for Sustainable Development through Low Carbon Schools community program. The sample community involved in this program consisted of students, aged 14–16, from one of the schools in Selangor, Malaysia. The execution of the program was divided into three phases: the first phase involved a pre-test and observations of sustainability practices in school; the second phase focused on the action plan and low-carbon sustainability activities; and the third phase was comprised of a post-test and the establishment of a low carbon school model. The assessment of the study was based on the pre-test and post-test, which measured the levels of environmental literacy and students' low-carbon practices. The findings of the pre-test and post-test showed an increase in the level of the greenhouse effects sub-variable for environmental literacy. However, the other sub-variables of environmental literacy and students' low-carbon practices did not show any significant changes. This proves that sustainable development education has been successfully transformed by the Low Carbon Schools program and, as a result, improved students' environmental literacy knowledge. The results of this study are expected to be used as an initial backup to assist in the establishment of the Low-Carbon Schools model at secondary-school level in Malaysia.


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How to Cite

Mahat, H. ., Hashım, M. ., Saleh, Y. ., Nayan, N. ., & Norkhaıdı, S. B. . (2020). Transformation of education for sustainable development through low carbon schools community program. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 17(3), 429-442.