Online scientific creativity learning (OSCL) in science education to ımprove students’ scientific creativity in Covid-19 pandemic
Covid-19 pandemic, higher education, learning innovation, OSCL, scientific creativityAbstract
The Wademen Model was chosen to develop the Online Scientific Creativity Learning (OSCL). The quality of OSCL is measured using an expert validation sheet. Students' scientific creativity is assessed using the Scientific Creativity Test Instrument (SCTI) and then analyzed through N-gain and parametric inferential statistical tests. The OSCL has been proven effective in increasing students' scientific creativity during the Covid-19 pandemic. There is no significant difference (N-gain at a moderate level) between OSCL and Creativity Responsibility Based Learning (CRBL), except with Conventional Learning (N-gain at low level). The results of students' scientific creativity are at a high level after using OSCL and CRBL, while conventional learning is low. The OSCL can be an alternative for the scientific creativity of students in science education. Besides, OSCL facilitates the responsibility and science process skills which are characteristic of being emphasized in the learning phases. The OSCL can be a learning innovation in science education to improve students’ scientific creativity in the Covid-19 pandemic.
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