Conception of scientific literacy in the development of scientific literacy assessment tools: A systematic theoretical review
Scientific literacy, Scientific literacy framework, Instrument development, Systematic literature review, Science educationAbstract
Scientific literacy has become the goal of science education throughout the world. To assess scientific literacy, the development of a scientific literacy instrument is imperative. Several scientific literacy instruments have been created, such as those for the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and Project 61 for Science for All America. In this study, the authors conducted a systematic literature reviewof journal articles that report on the development of instruments to measure scientific literacy. This study used Publish or Perish 7 software to study all related articles from the SCOPUS database using keywords related to scientific literacy instrument assessment. The result shows that of 290 articles there were 46 articles that developed scientific literacy instruments and 43 articles that used at least one framework to create scientific literacy instruments. This study found 12 frameworks that had been used to develop scientific literacy instruments. However, the authors also found an article that did not use any framework to create a scientific literacy instrument. In this article, the authors discuss the trend of scientific literacy instrument development and its framework, how the framework has been used, and possibilities for future studies regarding the development of scientific literacy instruments.
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