Socio-scientific Issues (SSI) research trends: A systematic literature review of publications 2011 – 2022
Socio-scientific Issues, science education journals, systematic literature reviewAbstract
This study aimed to investigate research trends related to socio-scientific issues (SSI). The SSI articles analysed were from highest-rating five science education journals with the highest impact ratings, published between 2011 and 2022, including Science Education [SE], Journal of Research in Science Teaching [JRST], Science and Education [S&E], International Journal of Science Education [IJSE], and Research in Science Education [RSE]. A total of 87 selected relevant SSI articles were analysed to determine research types, research topics, research sample groups, research sites, and authors with the most citations. According to the research findings, IJSE articles are the most widely published articles compared to other articles of similar journals. It is revealed that the most discussed issues in those articles of IJSE are argumentation and decision-making, followed by the nature of science. Pupils in middle and high schools constitute the largest sample groups. The continent that has been widely selected as research sites is European continent. Meanwhile, the country with the most research sites is the United States. The data collection tool most frequently used in the research is interview. S&E's Nature of Science, Scientific Inquiry, and Socio-Scientific Issues Arising from Genetics: A Pathway to Developing a Scientifically Literate Citizenry articles are the most cited articles. Challenges such as addressing efficacy, emotion, and attitude remain noticeably unexplored in SSI studies. Furthermore, exploratory studies on SSI for early childhood education.
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