Exhaustive studies before covid-19 pandemic attack of students’ conceptual change in science education: A literature review


  • Ananda Hafizhah Putri Department of Science Education, Postgraduates School, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Achmad Samsudin Indonesia University of Education
  • Andi Suhandi Indonesia University of Education




conceptual change, misconception, cognitive, affective, literature review


This systematic review is aimed to explore the researches that established students’conceptual change process, both studies that facilitate conceptual change and studies that determined learner characters influencing conceptual change. Overall, 50 studies were examined in this review. The current study focused on the common characteristics of the literature, the conceptual change instructional interventions used and the methods used
to assess them. This review generates four averments about the current study: (1) physics subjects have obtained more attention than other science domains; (2) the majority of studies were conducted on undergraduate students of various majors, not only science education students; (3) studies about conceptual change have developed from a cognitive-only perspective to metacognitive aspects; (4) design on conceptual change study has been dominated by quasi experiment with only pre- and post-intervention. Based on these averments, the authors invite the future empirical studies to consider affective variables in designing instructional approach, focus on examining pre-service science teachers’ conceptual change through the implementation of an instructional intervention, and apply qualitative data collection methods regarding affective and metacognitive variables through the implementation of an instructional intervention.


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How to Cite

Putri, A. H., Samsudin, A., & Suhandi, A. (2022). Exhaustive studies before covid-19 pandemic attack of students’ conceptual change in science education: A literature review. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 19(3), 808-829. https://doi.org/10.36681/tused.2022.151

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