A review of misconception in physics: The diagnosis, causes, and remediation
Research Article
misconceptions, alternative conceptions, conceptual changeAbstract
The difference between students' ideas and scientific conceptions, is called misconceptions. Physics learning needs to be designed by teachers to eradicate misconceptions. This paper provides a review of 72 international journal articles on diagnosis methods, causes, and ways of remediating misconceptions that have been published between 2005-2020. The results obtained various diagnostic tools for physics misconceptions: interviews, open-ended tests, multiple-choice tests, and multiple-tier tests. Knowledge of some causes and the ability to diagnose becomes the basis for determining remediation strategies or preventing misconceptions. Interviews are suitable for revealing new misconceptions with a few participants, while the four-tier test is more effective for many participants. The most effective remediation strategies through the conceptual change approach are Simulation-Based Experiment, Conceptual Change Texts, and Inquiry-Based Learning. The development of diagnostic tools and remediation methods remains a more challenging topic for future research.
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