The effects of the context-based learning approach on the training of chemical changes unit

Research Article


  • Sibel Sadi Yılmaz Kafkas Üniversitesi
  • Ali Yıldırım
  • Nail İlhan



Context-based teaching , contextbased question, chemical change, learning environment , motivation


In this study, the effects of context-based teaching (CBT) on the teaching of ‘chemical change unit’ (CCU) was examined under five main headings: student motivation, constructivist learning environment, student achievement, transferring chemistry knowledge to the subjects of daily life, and student and teachers' opinions on the implementation. The effects of CBT on the experimental and control group students were determined by Chemistry Motivation Questionnaire (CMQ), Constructivist Learning Environment Questionnaire (CLEQ), Chemical Changes Achievement Test (CCAT), and Chemical Changes-Context-Based Questions (CC-CBQ). At the end of the study, the only significant difference found in favour of the experimental group was the results of CBCBQ. Opinions of students and teachers are generally pleasing but they stated that CBT is not suitable for the university entrance exam. In the assessment of the students, CBT would attract more attention if the exams taken contained context-based questions.


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How to Cite

Sadi Yılmaz, S., Yıldırım, A. ., & İlhan, N. . (2022). The effects of the context-based learning approach on the training of chemical changes unit: Research Article. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 19(1), 218-236.

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