Natural sciences in early childhood education: Experience in using the academic poster
Academic posters, bachelor pre-primary, education degree, classroom experience, scientific conceptsAbstract
This paper describes a study conducted in Bachelor of Pre-primary education degree classroom during a Teaching of the Natural Sciences class. It shows how poster may be used as a teaching and learning tool for natural science. The main motivation that guided the research was the fact that half the teacher-trainee students had been removed from the natural sciences in their academic training for more than five years. It sets to approach the scientific concepts, but foremost it aims to go further in both scientific language adaptation or didactic transposition, as well as research and later exposition and presentation. It goes beyond the construction of scientific posters. The relevant elaboration of concepts related to the natural sciences is sought and to be able to explain them to their future children’s education students. This experience has allowed collecting information by means of quantitative questionnaires; pre-test and post-test ad-hoc questionnaires were used, and complemented with a qualitative in-class observation diary. This one measured the students’ participation. The qualitative part is analysed with the SPSS-22 software, while the qualitative data uses the dendrogram as an analysis tool. Through, this experience an increase in interest and motivation was achieved you need to state your conclusions more precisely, especially for the natural science subject, as well as introducing the use of the academic poster for its professional future.
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