Developing a scientific learning continuum of natural science subjects at grades 1 – 4


  • Bambang Subali Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • Bambang Subali Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • Kumaidi Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Indonesia
  • Nonoh Siti Aminah Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia



learning continuum, natural science subjects, scentific methods


This research aims at investigating teachers’, principals’, and school supervisors’ views of scientific methods of natural science subjects at public elementary schools. Within a survey research method, the sample of the current study consisted of 135 teachers, 119 principals, and 116 supervisors drawn from public elementary schools in Yogyakarta, and seven regencies in the Central Java Province. The instruments developed by researchers were validated through expert’s judgements. Findings showed that the teachers’, principals’, and school supervisors’ views could be used for developing a learning continuum of “natural science” subjects in Grades 1 – 4. This continuum purposing to measure scientific methods of “natural science” subjects was constructed via a blue print of confirmatory tests using convergent and divergent patterns.


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15.06.2018 — Updated on 15.06.2018


How to Cite

Subali, B. ., Subali, B. ., Kumaidi, & Siti Aminah, N. . (2018). Developing a scientific learning continuum of natural science subjects at grades 1 – 4. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 15(2), 66-81.

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