Determining students’ ıntention: The role of students’ attitude and science curriculum
Intention, attitude, science curriculum, Oman, post-basic schoolAbstract
The objectives of the present study are to determine the role of students’ attitude and how science curriculum influences their intention to learn science subjects. A quantitative correlational research design was used. Data were collected through the survey method by using a questionnaire distributed randomly to 341 secondary school students of seven post-basic schools from Al-Sharkiyaha North governorate in Oman. The data were analysed using SPSS version 23.0. Pearson correlation findings revealed that students’ attitude and science curriculum had a significant positive relationship in enhancing students’ intention to learn science in post-basic education. This study offers insights for policymakers, school administrators and teachers on understanding the role of students' attitude towards learning science subjects, and the nature and design of the science curriculum on students’ intention to continue learning science subjects in post-secondary education. The findings indicated that by employing effective instructional strategies and engaging curriculum, school teachers could facilitate students to develop positive intentions to continue learning science subjects in post-secondary education.
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