Science learning needs of preschool children and science activities carried out by teachers
Preschool science education, Science education, Early childhood, Preschool teachersAbstract
The study aimed to investigate preschool children's learning needs related to science and their teachers' science activity practices. A basic qualitative research design was applied. Interviews were conducted with 15 preschool teachers and 48 children living in Ankara and subjected to content analysis. It was found that teachers mostly carried out activities and science experiments to support sense development and observation skills, used science and sensory centres and mostly preferred natural objects and living things. However, it was found that about half of the teachers considered themselves inadequate in science activities. Teachers stated that children need science activities that they can experience on their own, that take place outdoors and that are appropriate for their age, development and interests. They also stated that children need learning experiences that will improve their sensory development, observation and questioning skills. It was found that children mostly wanted to get to know scientists, learn how tools and equipment work, and conduct experiments. As a result of the research, it was revealed that teachers were aware of the importance of developing children's skills and reflected this in practice, but they could not identify the topics that children were interested in very well.
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