The analysis of ınstrument quality to measure the students’ higher order thinking skill in physics learning
Higher order thinking skill, physics, instrumentAbstract
This research aims to produce feasible and valid assessment instrument of Higher Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) to measure students’ Higher Order Thinking Skill in Physics learning. The type of this research was research and development, adapted from development model from Brog and Gall. The researchers modified Borg and Gall’s development model as stages such as (1) Collecting information, (2) Making the plan, (3) Preparing the product form, (4) Conducting revision of the initial product, (5) Implementing the product. The study group consisted of 34 10th grade students of Senior High School 1 Sape. Data collection was conducted through a test consisted of 20 multiple-choice items of Physics learning in the form of HOTS. For data analysis, the technique of QUEST was used to examine the validity, reliability, the difficulty level, and distinguished items. This research generated an assessment instrument that is feasible in aspects of validity, reliability, difficulty level, and question differentiaton to be used as an alternative instrument in assessing students’ HOTS.
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