An exploratory sequential mixed-methods approach to understanding students’ entrepreneurial self-efficacy




Entrepreneurial self-efficacy, Entrepreneurship education, Entrepreneurial behavior, Successful entrepreneurs


The aim of this study was to analyze the entrepreneurial self-efficcy (ESE) of teacher training students at ULM. This study uses an exploratory sequential mixed-methods approach (ESMMA) to an understanding of the entrepreneurial self-efficacy of economics education students of Universitas LambungMangkurat (ULM), Indonesia to find ways to become successful entrepreneurs. ESMMA analysis uses two research phases, namely the first stage is qualitative analysis with techniques namely data collection, display and conclusion). In the second phase, quantitative analysis was carried out using techniques namely quantitative data collection and data analysis. Data were obtained through developing entrepreneurial self-efficacy research questions: How can entrepreneurs manage stress during work?; Do entrepreneurs have original ideas in developing products?; Does the entrepreneur have a good relationship with anyone?; How do entrepreneurs analyse market opportunities, recruit employees, and be innovative to achieve success?. The results show that students have different personalities so that each decision for entrepreneurship is made in different ways. The analysis found that students need to develop risk management and uncertainty management skills, innovation management and product development skills, and interpersonal and network management to succeed in business competition.


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How to Cite

Setiawan, A. (2023). An exploratory sequential mixed-methods approach to understanding students’ entrepreneurial self-efficacy. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 20(2), 320-332.

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