Pedagogical ımplication of spatial visualization: A correlate of students’ achievements in physics

Research Article




Achievement, Correlate, Pedagogy, Spatial Visualization


This study investigated pedagogical implication of spatial visualization as correlate of students’ achievement in physics. Ex post facto research of the co-relational type with 857 senior secondary school three (S. S. 3) participants comprising of male and female students from both public and private-schools from Kwara State, Nigeria. Four research questions with corresponding hypotheses were raised and answered in this study. Pro forma of physics result of respondents at WASSCE formed the achievement component of the data analysed. Students’ Spatial Visualization Test (SSVT) had reliability index of .78 with 30 minutes duration of administration as the other instrument. Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) and Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) were statistical tools employed to analyze data that answered the research hypotheses. Spatial visualization ability is a correlate of students’ achievement in physics in this study. Score levels and gender were found to influence the prediction between spatial visualization ability and physics achievement. Furthermore, school type influenced the prediction between spatial visualization ability and students’ achievement in physics in favour of the private-schools that participated in this study. The pedagogical implication of this pattern is that, students trained in spatial ability own the possibility of better achievement in STEM fields as identified in the literature and this study. Among others, this study recommends that spatial visualization tests should be embedded in the pedagogical approach of physics teaching and learning to foster achievement in physics and STEM-related fields.


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How to Cite

Badmus, O. T., & Jita, L. C. . (2022). Pedagogical ımplication of spatial visualization: A correlate of students’ achievements in physics: Research Article. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 19(1), 97-110.

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