Experiences and practices of STEM teachers through the lens of TPACK
Research Article
21st century-skilled STEM workforce, re-thematization, TPACK, STEMAbstract
The study used the TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge) framework to determine the STEM (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics) teachers’ experiences and practices. Data were sourced through interviews, classroom observations and document analysis from purposively selected 106 STEM teachers (from randomly identified universities/colleges of the 17 regions of the country). Three frameworks: Policies Standards and Guidelines (PSGs), Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) and TPACK guided the analysis of the qualitative data. Exploratory design developed the visualization for the three education domains (pedagogy, assessment and technology integration) that represent teachers’ experiences and practices. Findings revealed that teachers characterized the unique attributes of the domains defining the individual visualizations of these education domains. Re-thematization provided an image for the Philippine Higher Education Responsive Model (PHERM) which showed that STEM teachers develop one knowledge construct of TPACK at a time, the last being integrating technology. The developed model of STEM teachers’ experiences and practices is envisioned to track and enhance the competencies of teachers to deliver 21st century-skilled STEM workforce for the Philippines.
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