Effect of problem-based learning approach on developing students’ science process skills on the topic of safety in our environment
learner-centred methods, Problem-Based Learning, science process skills, safety in our environment, secondary schoolsAbstract
This study aimed to examine the effect of problem-based learning (PBL) in developing
science process skills (SPS) and learning achievement on the topic of ‘Safety in Our
Environment’ in secondary schools in Tanzania. The study employed a quasi-experimental
design. The participants for the study were Form One ‘Stream E’ students in the
experimental school and Form One ‘Stream D’ students in the control school. Data were
collected using a structured questionnaire and an achievement test. The results showed
that the use of the PBL approach increased the mean scores from pre-test to post-test that
were statistically significant at p = .00 in developing SPS compared to traditional teaching
methods. Also, the use of PBL showed an increase in students’ scores on the achievement
test compared to the traditional teaching methods. Traditional teaching methods have the
ability to retain achievement at a low level of cognitive ability as compared to PBL.
Furthermore, PBL showed that there was no statistically significant difference in
achievement based on gender as compared to the traditional teaching methods. The
study recommends a continuous use of learner-centered approaches such as PBL in
teaching and learning science subjects including Biology.
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