Improving students’ metacognitive skills through science learning by ıntegrating PQ4R and TPS strategies at a senior high school in parepare, ındonesia


  • Henny Setıawatı Biology Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Educational, University of Muhammadiyah Parepare, INDONESİA
  • Aloysius Duran Corebıma Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science. State University of Malang, Malang, INDONESİA



metacognitive skills, PQ4R learning, sains learning, TPS learning


Metacognitive skills can be developed through the implementation of appropriate learning strategy. This research of pretest-posttest nonequivalent control group design was designed to compare the effects of PQ4R, TPS, PQ4R-TPS, and conventional learning on the metacognitive skills of senior high school students class X in the first semester of 2013 in Parepare, Indonesia. The research samples consisted of 240 students, selected using random sampling technique. The metacognitive skills were measured by an essay test developed by the researchers, validated by experts, and empirically validated before the instrument was used, by trying out the instruments at 40 students of class XI. The research findings show that PQ4R-TPS learning strategy is significantly more potential in empowering students’ metacognitive skills compared to the other learning. PQ4R-TPS learning strategy needs to be implemented, accustomed to, and continuously trained to the students in order to improve their metacognitive skills.


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15.06.2018 — Updated on 15.06.2018


How to Cite

Setıawatı, H. ., & Corebıma, A. D. . (2018). Improving students’ metacognitive skills through science learning by ıntegrating PQ4R and TPS strategies at a senior high school in parepare, ındonesia. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 15(2), 95-106.

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