The application of on-line science-based inquiry learning in primary schools
Inquiry-based learning, online learning, primary schools, e-inquiry learning obstaclesAbstract
The teacher has an important role in making pupils skilled in inquiry, viz guiding them to carry out inquiry steps in science learning. However, there are obstacles to applying online learning at primary school level, especially inquiry-based science. The purpose of this research is to analyse the application of inquiry in science learning, analyse the effectiveness of e-learning based on the 2020 at the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture guidelines, and identify obstacles to implementing e-inquiry science learning at the primary level. This study employed a descriptive qualitative approach. Sources of data were resource persons from 6 educational institutions including trainers, school supervisors, principals, teachers, Grade VI pupils, and their parents. The result showed the only a small number of teachers implemented on-line science-based inquiry learning and the effect of the learning was the utmost significance on student’s achievement. However, most of primary school teachers have not applied inquiry-based methods in science learning. Several obstacles to implementing e-inquiry learning at the primary level were identified. These obstacles include the teachers did not understand how to develop an online inquiry model learning scenario, had low skills in using ICT, lack of support for ICT facilities and of e-learning inquiry learning guide, and had limited time.
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