Development of a diagnostic assessment test to evaluate science misconceptions in terms of school grades: A rasch measurement approach
Rasch measurement, diagnostic assessment, student misconceptionsAbstract
This study aims to evaluate the psychometric properties of the developed diagnostic assessment test and to identify student misconceptions in science in terms of school grades. 153 students were gathered by using random sample from 10th to 12th grade in senior high schools. The 32 items of the two-tier multiple-choice diagnostic test were administered to assess student misconceptions in science using the online system (eDia) and paper-based test. The results confirmed the validity and reliability of the developed test based on Rasch measurement. Student misconceptions in science were found statistically significant among school grades, [F(2, 152) = 10.93, p <.01]. The 12th-grade students have higher misconceptions than the students at 10th- and 11th-grade. No statistically significant difference was found between boys and girls for all grade level (p> 0.05). The Stepwise multiple regression confirmed that the grades are the predictor of student misconception in science, [F(152) = 10.208, p <0.01], explaining 25,2% variances of student misconception in science. This study gave preliminary evidence that the developed test well measured student misconceptions and evaluated students’ misconception in science concepts.
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