Concept cartoons: What have we learnt?


  • Stuart Naylor Millgate House Education, Cheshire-UK
  • Brenda Keogh Millgate House Education, Cheshire-UK



Concept Cartoons, Engagement, Learning, Misconceptions


Concept Cartoons were created approximately 20 years ago. Since then research and feedback from teachers and students has led to a variety of improvements in the format and presentation of Concept Cartoons. Sets of Concept Cartoons have been developed for classroom use. For several years Keogh and Naylor’s ground-breaking research provided the only evidence for how Concept Cartoons can be implemented in the classroom and what the impact of Concept Cartoons can be. More recently a wide range of researchers have added to that research base. This article sets out the major developments in the nature and format of Concept Cartoons. It identifies some of the major implications for teaching and learning, including using them to promote cognitive conflict and argumentation, using them for formative assessment, challenging misconceptions and enhancing motivation and engagement. It also identifies some aspects of teacher professional learning, including implementing constructivist approaches, developing pedagogic subject knowledge, and promoting change in professional practice. Some future developments in Concept Cartoons are suggested.


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How to Cite

Naylor, S., & Keogh, B. (2024). Concept cartoons: What have we learnt?. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 10(1), 3-11.

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