The Changes in pre-service chemistry teachers’ orientations during chemistry teaching method courses




Pedagogical content knowledge, science teacher education, orientation towards chemistry teaching, pre-service chemistry teacher


The purpose of this study is to examine pre-service chemistry teachers’ orientations towards chemistry teaching during chemistry teaching method courses. This study was conducted with ten pre-service chemistry teachers for 28 weeks. The Draw-A-ScienceTeacher-Test Checklist (DASTT-C), card-sorting activity, interviews, observations, and
reflection paper were used to collect data. The data were analysed using the deductive approach. Analysis of data revealed that most of the pre-service chemistry teachers had teacher-centred orientations before chemistry teaching method courses. However, it was determined that their orientations changed into reform-based ones as a result of these courses. It was found that pre-service chemistry teachers had multiple purposes for chemistry teaching. Most of the participants included everyday coping as the main purpose of chemistry teaching. Moreover, it was determined that pre-service chemistry teachers’ beliefs about chemistry teaching and learning and beliefs about goals or purposes of chemistry teaching were associated with the university entrance examination. Implications for chemistry teacher training programmes were discussed.


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How to Cite

Gencer, S., & Akkus, H. (2022). The Changes in pre-service chemistry teachers’ orientations during chemistry teaching method courses. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 19(3).

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