The role of time in the use of visualization in chemical education: Pre-service teacher practices

pre-service teacher practices




Chemistry teacher education, time utilisation, visualization


This exploratory study investigated the relationships between time utilisation and the use of visual resources, supported by audiovisual records of the practices of pre-service chemistry teachers applying Teaching-Learning Sequences. The content analysis was based on analytical categories found in the scientific literature. The results showed a positive association between increased time spent using visualizations, diversification of pupils’ actions, and the quality of the students’ verbal interactions, through the predominance of conceptualisations in the submicro domain, with transitions between the macro and submicro domains. This study reinforces the importance of reflecting on the different ways of using visualizations in classroom time during chemistry teacher education, and the challenges of building and implementing chemistry teaching practices with scientific visualizations that are more integrated into the school curriculum. 


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Author Biography

  • Agnaldo Arroio, University of São Paulo

    Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, University of São Paulo


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How to Cite

Paz da Silva, A. J., & Arroio, A. . (2022). The role of time in the use of visualization in chemical education: Pre-service teacher practices: pre-service teacher practices. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 19(3), 786-807.

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