Assessing Indonesian teacher's perspective on the ımplementation of distance learning due to COVID-19 based on online survey
Science Learning, Covid-19, Distance LearningAbstract
On account of preventing transmission of COVID-19 measures, schools worldwide are a closure. This study aimed to assess the teacher's readiness and hardship on the implementation of distance learning due to COVID-19, using a questionnaire survey. The data were collected during school closure through an online survey. The participants of this research were 355 teachers. The results showed that the teacher's main difficulty was the inability to communicate intensively withstudents, and student participation in every learning session was difficult to monitor and control. Teachers also discussed their desire to know more about how to do an online assessment. Teachers' readiness to implement distance learning in the next semester was only 16.9% that teachers stated they were very ready. Within this study's limitation, 94.6% of teachers showed providing the chance to use distance learning in post-pandemic. The teachers also expected to receive distance learning training and improving technology facilities.Downloads
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