Scratch-assisted waves teaching materials: ICT literacy and students' critical thinking skills
ICT Literacy, Critical Thingking, Scratch, WavesAbstract
The rapid development of technology requires education to provide learning that can improve students' critical thinking and ICT (information and communication technology) skills. One of the lessons that can be applied is IT-based. The material is packed with state-of-the-art technology and computer programming. For this reason, a study was carried out which had the objectives of (1) developing Scratch-assisted Wave teaching materials, (2) testing their validity, (3) testing the practicality of using teaching materials, and (4) testing their effectiveness in improving students' ICT literacy and critical thinking skills. This research is an R&D that has 4D procedures, namely define, design, develop, and disseminate. The product trial used the Pretest-Posttest Control Group design. The research instruments are the gap test, ICT literacy test, and critical thinking skills test. The data analysis technique used percentage and t-test. The product in this research is in the form of ICT-based wave teaching materials. Programming applications in teaching materials are in the form of Scratch with a contextual learning approach, namely physical symptoms and phenomena that are closely related to life. The average percentage validity of teaching materials in terms of content is 87.98%, and in terms of media, the average is 87.92% with a very decent category. The level of readability of teaching materials through gap tests and questionnaires is 87.22% and 84.97% with very easy-to-understand categories. The average response of students and teachers to the practicality of using teaching materials is 93.57% and 93.33%, which means that the criteria are very practical. The effectiveness of teaching materials is seen from the increase in ICT literacy and critical thinking skills of high school students who use Scratch-assisted Wave teaching materials are higher than those using ordinary teaching materials.
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