Evolution of the living being model in Spanish pre-service teachers: First implementation of design research


  • Rosa Esperanza Galera Flore- University of Cádiz
  • Natalia Jiménez-Tenorio University of Cádiz
  • José María Oliva Martínez University of Cádiz




Retrospective study, Pre-service teachers, Living being


This study is the first phase of an on-going study. It shows the first implementation of a teaching-learning sequence designed to facilitate the understanding of the notion of a living being in initial teacher training using modelling approaches. It aims to analyse the
knowledge progression of the participants (N=51) through a retrospective analysis, employing an open-ended questionnaire and a rubric. To achieve this, a comparative pretest-post-test design was used, utilising an open-ended questionnaire. The results show progression in the management of the living being model after comparing knowledge before and after implementation. The results suggest the usefulness and interest of the modelling approaches in teaching this topic, while also highlighting the need for modifications to the didactic sequence employed.


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How to Cite

Galera Flore-, R. E., Jiménez-Tenorio, N., & Oliva Martínez, J. M. (2024). Evolution of the living being model in Spanish pre-service teachers: First implementation of design research. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 21(2), 271-292. https://doi.org/10.36681/

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