STEM education program for science teachers: Perceptions and competencies *
STEM Education, Interdisciplinary Education, Science EducationAbstract
This study focused on the professional development activities carried out at Sinop University during the summer of 2015. The purpose of the study is to investigate the effects of the professional development program on the participating science teachers’ perceptions and competencies as they relate to STEM education. 24 science teachers were participated the program which was organized to promote their acquisition of the competencies necessary for the development and implementation of original activities suitable for STEM education. The study was carried out through qualitative paradigm. One of the data sources used was to “Teachers’ Perceptions on STEM Education Questionnaire”. STEM education teaching plans which were developed by teachers during the program were the other data sources used by the study. Findings from the TPSEQ suggest that the professional development program positively affected teachers’ views of STEM education. Additionally, after the professional development program, participating teachers made suggestions for the (engineering) design based science instruction for the adaption of STEM education. It can be suggested that in-service training programs should be developed for teachers to raise their awareness of the necessity of STEM education and to enhance their competencies in planning, implementation and evaluation of an instructional process suitable for this approach.
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