A Comparison of the effects of the integration sequence of interactive simulation on pre-service science teachers’ scientific explanation of buffer solutions
scientific explanation, evidence-based practice, interactive simulation, inquiry-based learningAbstract
The purpose of this study was to find out the influence of the integration sequence of interactive simulation on the construction of the scientific explanation of buffer solutions. This study was conducted with 30 pre-service science teachers. The control group was
randomly assigned to study with lecture first and then interactive simulation-based inquiry learning, and the experimental group was randomly assigned to study with interactive simulation-based inquiry learning and lecture respectively. The finding showed that after the posttest there was no statistically significant difference between the control and experimental groups. This suggests that the sequence of interactive simulation during inquiry activities in the chemistry classroom does not affect the construction of the scientific explanation. However, the mean score between the pretest and posttest in the control group shows a statistically significant difference. This study yields productive information regarding the role of interactive simulation providing clear evidence to scaffold pre-service science teachers in learning the abstract concept.
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