Impacts of the use of a digital simulation in learning earth sciences (the case of relative dating in high school)


  • Youssef Nafıdı
  • Anouar Alamı
  • Moncef Zakı
  • Bouchta El Batrı
  • Hanane Afkar



Earth Sciences, relative chronology, high school, learning, simulation


In an attempt to evaluate the impact of the use of a simulation on the learning concepts of relative dating, a study was carried out with first year students at the Technical High School of the city of Taza (Morocco). The method of the study was semi-experimental research design with pre-test and post-test. The study used two groups including the experimental (n = 16) and control (n = 16) groups. The learning outcomes of both groups of students were compared and analysed for significance using the Student’s t-test and the Mann-Whitney U test. The findings showed that the integration of a simulation of relative chronology can have a positive effect on students’ learning if it is properly integrated at an appropriate time during the students’ training.


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15.03.2018 — Updated on 15.03.2018


How to Cite

Nafıdı, Y. ., Alamı, A. ., Zakı, M. ., El Batrı, B. ., & Afkar, H. . (2018). Impacts of the use of a digital simulation in learning earth sciences (the case of relative dating in high school). Journal of Turkish Science Education, 15(1), 89-108.

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