The Effect of a developed REACT strategy on the conceptual understanding of students: "Particulate nature of matter"


  • Arzu Kirman Bilgin
  • Fatma Nur Demircioğlu Yürükel
  • Nevzat Yiğit



Conceptual Change, Context, Matter, Particle, REACT


The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of REACT strategy developed in relation to “Particulate nature of the matter” subject on academic achievement and conceptual change. This study was accompanied by pre-test – post-test control group design. The academic achievement and concept test, which were developed, was distributed to 55 experimental group students and 47 control group students, which makes 102 learners in total. These learners are studying at 6th grade. REACT strategy was implemented on experimental group. Control group was exposed to current Science and Technology Curriculum. As a result of conducted implementations, it was detected that both academic achievement and conceptual change of experimental group students are better than control group students. Therefore, it is possible to say that REACT strategy is more efficient than the Ministry of National Education’s curriculum. Interview with students in the direction of determined objective in addition to academic achievement and concept test may be recommended for future studies.


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15.06.2017 — Updated on 15.06.2017


How to Cite

Kirman Bilgin, A., Demircioğlu Yürükel, F. N. ., & Yiğit, N. (2017). The Effect of a developed REACT strategy on the conceptual understanding of students: "Particulate nature of matter". Journal of Turkish Science Education, 14(2), 65-81.

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