A review of studies in the field of educational sciences within the context of theory of planned behavior
Research Article
Teacher education, theory of planned behavior, systematic reviewAbstract
This study aims to identify the gaps in the Theory of Planned Behavior literature and to determine the general trends in studies in the field of educational sciences within the context of the Theory of Planned Behavior, to generate recommendations on improving the educational processes by revealing the effect this theory has on educational processes. Designed to achieve this goal, this study is a systematic review of 77 titles. This review explains the characteristics of 77 studies and the general trends of their topics, conclusions, and recommendations by making a comparison of the national (Turkish literature) and international literature. Content analysis was used to determine the general trends in the studies, and the findings are explained in tables with frequencies and percentages. In the study's findings and results section, in addition to the diversity of the subjects of the studies included in the review, the conclusions and recommendations of the studies provide a common positive opinion regarding the contributions of the Theory of Planned Behavior to both teaching processes and educational sciences research.
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