Correcting grade 11 students’ misconceptions of the concept of force through the conceptual change model (CCM) with PDEODE*E tasks
Misconception, force concept, Change Model (CCM) with PDEODE*E tasksAbstract
This study aims to reconstruct Grade 11 students’ misconceptions about force through the Conceptual Change Model (CCM) making use of Predict, Discuss, Explain, Observe, Discuss, Explore, Explain (PDEODEE) tasks. This study was conducted using a mixed-method approach. The participants in this study were 65 students (33 students in the experiment class—13 males and 20 females, and 32 students in the control class—12 males and 20 females) from a high school in Bandung, Indonesia. The instrument test used is the Four-Tier Test-formed Force Concept Inventory (4TT-FCI) with 8 question items. Three analyses were carried out: an analysis of students' misconception profiles during the pre-test and post-test, the reconstruction of students’ misconceptions analysed based on percentage and codification using Great Change (GC), Not Change (NC), and Un-Great Change (U-GC). The improvement in students' conception was carried out using N-Gain with three categories (Low, Moderate, and High). The results show that the students' conception profile during the pre-test and post-test still detects misconceptions. However, these misconceptions can be ameliorated using CCM with PDEODEE tasks because the highest conceptual change is in the Misconceptions category (GC= 34.5) and the lowest is in the Un-Code category (U-GC= 2.4). The increase in the correctness of the conception was measured in the experimental class at 0.73 (High category), and the control class is 0.42 (Moderate Category).
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